Writing thank you notes is part of getting married – people need to be thanked for attending your wedding and giving you gifts. But after five, the rhythm, if indeed it was ever established, begins to whither and trite, dull and stereotypical phrases begin to appear as if out of nowhere.
Here are a few thank yous to help you on your way.
General introduction, filler comments:
- It was lovely to see you again (if they attended the wedding).
- It would be great when you are next in town, to meet up (if they didn’t).
- Hope your child / cat / aunt / mother is well?
- I can’t believe how (child’s name) has grown! He / she will be graduating before we know it!
- Hope we can get together soon.
For friends and family:
- Thank you for sharing our special day with us!
- Thank you for being a part of our ceremony of love and commitment.
- Our wedding would not have been complete without your support and love.
Cash gifts (gift cards fall in here too)
- Thank you for the very generous wedding gift!
- We’ve used the money to buy xxxxx / pay for our new stoep etc.
- Your gift will really help us buy initial items for our new home
For gifts from the registry:
- The xxxx will look incredible in our bathroom / kitchen / lounge.
- Thank you for the (towels) – now I can throw the threadbare numbers we’ve got in our bathroom away!
- Thank you so much for the crystal wine glasses. We now have a complete set!
- How thoughtful of you to buy us the xxxxx. It was my personal favourite item on the list!
For an unexpected / unique gift:
- We’ll find a really special spot for this in our home.
- It’s so thoughtfully chosen to suit our home.
- You know our taste so well, it will look incredible in our lounge/kitchen/bathroom/bedroom.
Wedding Links
- Wedding Invitations
- Wedding Planning Guides
- Wedding Venues
- South Africa Weddings
Happy Wedding Planning!
Oh, and please “Like” us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter – we’ll ♥ you so much if you do x