2012 was a year inspired by DIY. Such was the skill and focus of wedding couples on incredibly challenging and sophisticated projects that, faced with keeping up with cupcakes, accessories, mason jars, and flower covered tents, others will have no choice but to make a radical move away from the ‘stuff’ to something a lot more simple.
Something so simple that it requires absolutely no ‘stuff’ at all. There is nothing more low key, in fact, than an elopement.
For many couples the idea of a big wedding just does not appeal. They opt instead for low key weddings that involve small family gatherings and a lot less pressure. But even these (if they succumb to DIY) can get way out of hand. So, what about getting married in secret?
And before you start worrying about excluding all your loved ones, an elopement does not mean that you have to do it without a celebration. Or too far from home.
A couple I know planned a party, ostensibly to celebrate one of their ‘key’ birthdays. The speech about how wonderful it was that everyone could make the party included a line that went something like: ‘and my year has now got a whole lot better because we just got married on the way here’.
The couple both testify to the enormous response and spontaneity of the event. Friends and family were incredibly happy for them, more so because they had at least been included in the event, even if they didn’t know about it ahead of time. Guests even commented on how refreshing it was to attend a wedding without knowing about it ahead of time.
The financial pressure of a wedding can just be too overwhelming. Over and above the cost factor, is the organisation that can go on for over a year that tends to submerge everyone within spitting distance in WEDDING.
Simply ‘announcing’ your marriage at a surprise party means guests have no expectations from the day either.
As my friend said: ‘weddings have become more about production than sincerity’.
So elope now, party after and remember that a wedding is and should be about the two of you and the vows you will share. And it no longer has to be ‘running off’ somewhere else. You can ‘elope’ right here at home.
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