Wedding Mistakes ~ A lot of brides benefit from hindsight and share the things they wished they had or hadn’t done on their wedding day. We’ve collated the top Wedding Mistakes you might want to avoid.
Losing perspective
This is a biggie – during the planning it is easy to get lost in the detail and forget that this is about the two of you, joining together. It’s not about getting the perfect floral decoration for the top table. Rather spend time picking readings, music and vows that will make your day special.
Tossing the budget out of the window
Avoid this Wedding Mistake at all costs: Have a very clear picture of how much you have to spend on your wedding and stick to it. It’s too easy to get sucked into ordering things you really don’t need. And starting married life in debt is no picnic.
Not involving your partner
Your wedding is for both of you. Even if a lot of the ideas and planning fall to you, involve your partner and get their input so that you’re both attending the same wedding. Try not to make this mistake leading up to your wedding.
Having a low-key rehearsal dinner
Very often this dinner, which sees family members meet up for the first time in ages, can tend to get carried away. Remember that the big event is only a couple of days away. Don’t have the reception before the reception.
Getting frazzled
There are a lot of demands to pulling off a wedding. Often the bride finds it difficult to delegate or ask for help, which means by the night before, you’re in a state. Get your friends and family involved from the outset and forget baking your own cake and making all the place cards.
Wearing flatties
If there is one common post-wedding groan, it’s that the bride wished she had worn more comfortable shoes. Remember that you’re on your feet for hours. And if you’re dancing too, you want to be comfortable.
Staying as late as the guests
Wedding Mistakes number seven is staying as late as your guests. Make arrangement for someone else to pack up the party. You do not have to outstay your latest guests. Besides which, many of them will feel obliged to let you go first. Leave at a respectable hour so that your friends and family can go home.
Inviting too many guests
You want to feel surrounded by loved ones, not as if you’re putting on a performance for strangers. Stick to your guns about inviting people you don’t know or have only met once.
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