The honeymoon turned green is not simply a trend. More and more couples are not only choosing low carbon weddings, they’re also selecting environmentally friendly resorts over the beach-style romantic resort for their honeymoons.
Making a more responsible decision about where you snuggle up post wedding (and spend your money) means that not only can you have an alternative experience whilst enjoying the heady days of your honeymoon, but you can also benefit the country you visit.
The idea is that one selects an eco lodge or conservation area where a portion of the cost of the trip is donated to improving the life of those who live in the country you visit.
However, flying halfway across the world, carbon offsets or not, to benefit the children of Africa is not necessarily a green option. If you live in Africa it is. Which is why there is also a growing trend amongst couples, particularly here in South Africa, to honeymoon locally.
Avoiding travel altogether is the only way not to leave a carbon footprint, and there are so many places and venues to visit in South Africa. You can even travel by train, if burning carbon in a car is unacceptable, or you can get your friends to donate trees planted in your name in lieu of your honeymoon at various projects around the country that will plant the tree for you, like Food and Trees for Africa, GreenPop and Platbos Forest.
With the trend for slow – slow living, slow food, slow travel – going local, and supporting local business, food, accommodation and eateries one is giving back in every sense of the word – to oneself and the community one visits.
Say ‘goodbye’ to flashy, European and beachside resorts, and ‘hello’ to little Karoo towns, beachside cottages of the West Coast, and wonderful national parks like the Kruger. Honeymoons just got a whole lot more meaning.
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