Bride To Be / Candice

Meet Our Second Bride To Be – Candice

We’re really excited for you to meet our second Bride To Be – Candice. Candice and her fiancé, Luke, have set the date for 27 April 2013 and are in the throngs of wedding planning. Candice will be taking us on her journey and sharing some of her highlights, lowlights and every day moments that face a Bride To Be.

If you’re a fellow Bride To Be and need a little bit of extra advice this is where you’ll find it. From one bride to another. We’ll be joining Candice as she finds the venue, the dress and décor and everything else in between to ensure she and Luke Tie The Knot as they’ve always imagined.

We’re really looking forward to sharing this special journey with Candice and we look forward to hearing about her experiences.

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Happy Wedding Planning!

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