Bride To Be / Candice

Candice’s Bridal Diary: Finding Yourself Among The Trends

The first few steps of the wedding planning process are overwhelming, to say the least. Looking at common inspiration sites or wedding websites can help narrow your options down, but this could also be at the risk of losing your sense of “you”. Did you really want a dip-dyed wedding dress?  Is a birdcage veil honestly the best look for you? Were you always this crazy about having lace everywhere?

A wedding is perhaps the most unique and intimate moment we share, and your special day should reflect this. My little word of advice would be to work out a rather clear idea of what you would like regarding your dress, colours, flowers etc before getting drowning in the ocean of the internet. Of course there are some fantastic ideas out there and wonderful sources of inspiration – but let them do just that – inspire you, not control you. When you sit down with your husband 20 years from now, and bring out your wedding album to show your children, let your photographs reflect you and not some fashion trend you got lost in.

An old friend (or dare I say it, perhaps your mother) could be the best person to run your ideas past – as they can instantly pick up when an item ‘just isn’t you’. You will probably look absolutely gorgeous in 90% of the dresses you try on, and fall in love with most flower arrangements you see, but for me, I don’t want to look like some unrecognizable man-eater just because I found a dress that is apparently fashionable. I want to be me, just prettier. I want to walk down the aisle, see my gorgeous fiancé at the end of it and see his face light up when he sees me – not because I look drop-dead-gorgeous, but because he sees me.

Read more from Candice as she plans her wedding in our Bride to Be section.

Photograph courtesy of Candice Le Noury ©

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